Celebrating Womens Day With Anshumali Baruah

Celebrating Womens Day With Anshumali Baruah

DesignWhine Interviews Anshumali Baruah

Anshumali is a designer & theorist working towards mapping of customer experiences in Voice, Conversational AI & associated emerging technologies. She is excited about the potential of AI in providing us fulfilled moments where most of us seem to be overwhelmed with technology.

Anshumali is a part of the Magenta Voice Program at Deutsche Telekom, Germany’s Innovation Hub. There, she designs experiences for Telekom’s Hallo Magenta assistant. In the past, she has led a team which designed conversational experiences for Bixby, Samsung’s Intelligent Assistant at Samsung R & D Institute, Bangalore, India. Her work has also led to patents in the field of AI.

She is an alumni of the IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India, specialising in Interaction Design.

How are you planning to celebrate Women’s Day this year?

Be thankful for all the women in my life.

Would you say there is an under-representation of women in UI/UX design?

I would say there’s under-representation across the levels.

What are some personality traits of women that make them better (or worse) UX designers?

Emapthy, mindful connections.

Who are some design leaders (male or female) you look up to?

John Maeda, Cathy Pearl and Zaha Hadid.

As a woman, what’s the greatest challenge you’ve had to face as a designer?

My biggest challenge was (and still is) establishing myself as a professionally ambitious woman.

What, in your opinion, could we UI/UX designers do, as a relatively young and collaborative fraternity, to solve the problem of gender inequality?

The best thing we can do is really simple, support each other, empower each other to make our voice heard.

Your message to young women looking to make their careers in UI/UX?

It really helps to drown out the negatives and look for what is that one thing you can take out for yourself in your current situation (it could be something you learn the hard way, a friend who stood by you, an opportunity). Don’t stop. Be yourself fearlessly!

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