Understanding Users Podcast With Mike Green

Understanding Users Podcast With Mike Green

DesignWhine Interviews Mike Green

In the interview with DesignWhine, we turned the tables and asked Mike Green about his favorite UX tool, technique, and a future trend which is what he usually asks all his guests on the podcast. Mike swears by the power of whiteboarding tools. Whether it’s sprint planning, capturing user insights, analyzing findings or brainstorming ideas, these tools have become indispensable in the day-to-day operations of any UX team. The in-depth one-to-one user research interview is his favored technique to gather rich insights into how a user thinks and feels about a product or service.

Mike is fascinated by the rapid growth in AI and its capabilities and potential risks, particularly in the context of the recent launch of the conversational dialogue tool ChatGPT. He is keen to see how AI tools evolve and what role user experience design and research plays in that evolution.

Mike Green aims to bring a range of views and insights from different industries and countries in various UX-related disciplines. He prefers to invite experienced digital practitioners from the private or public sector, including Heads of UX, user researchers, UX designers, product managers, developers or even founders who are willing to share their knowledge, experiences and learnings for the benefit of the audience.

The main purpose of the Understanding Users podcast is to showcase the wide scope of user experience (UX) through interviews with different professionals in the field. The goal is to provide listeners with a better understanding of how other experts approach their work, including the challenges they encounter and how they have overcome them. By doing so, Mike Green hopes to inspire listeners to reflect on their own work and embrace a more user-centered approach to product design.

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DesignWhine Editorial Team
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