Let me tell you a secret – about ten years ago when I first started working, I wrote a lengthy email to Chip Kidd, who I was a huge fan of, and asked for his advice on imposter syndrome. And while receiving a reply from him was a huge deal for me, him saying, “..just knowing that this is not an unusual problem may help” has stuck with me till today. Knowing that the most successful of us have felt like imposters at some point in their careers gives a lot of relief.
To cover this ever so “popular” syndrome among designers we invite some of the most prominent design people to share their thoughts on it as part of the cover story.
We’re also thrilled to be publishing our very first design fiction submission – Harmonia Digital Sampler. The concept is extremely imaginative yet so plausible like we had discussed in our last issue.
Here’s hoping you enjoy this special issue and finally learn to take that mask off you’ve been hiding behind all this while.
..somewhere in The Matrix, the “spoon boy” tells you, “There is no mask..”